RtPA (Actilyse)
100mg of 2 hours or 0.6mg / kg over 15 minutes (maximum dose 50mg)
- 10 mg i.v. bolus in 1 to 2 minutes
- 90 mg i.v. infusion in 2 hours
The total dose of 1.5 mg / kg should not be exceeded in patients less than 65 kg.
Absolute contra-indications absolues
- Known hypersensitivity to the active substances alteplase, gentamicin or any of the excipients
- Uncontrollable active bleeding, overt or occurred during the last 6 months
- Known bleeding diathesis
- Patients on oral anticoagulants
- Head injury during the last 3 months
- Surgery intracranial or spinal or other CNS disease such as intracranial neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation, or aneurysm
- History or suspicion of cerebral hemorrhage
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage or suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Severe uncontrolled hypertension
- Major surgical procedure or trauma during the last 10 days (including any trauma to the present myocardial)
- Recent traumatic external heart massage (back within 10 days)
- Childbirth and recent puncture of a non-compressible vessel (eg of the subclavian vein or jugular.)
- Severe hepatic impairment, including liver failure
- Cirrhosis
- Portal hypertension (oesophageal varices) and active hepatitis
- Bacterial endocarditis
- Pericarditis
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Attacks ulcerative gastrointestinal documented over the last 3 months
- Arterial aneurysm
- Abnormalities arterial / venous
- Neoplasms with increased risk of bleeding